Left Coast Floyds

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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Mothers wise, give some advice.

Aidan has been eating solid foods for a while now without any problems. He is now almost a year old and he should be getting ready to eat more table food and leave the baby puree in his dust. However, Aidan still spits out almost all "table foods" except for cereals. He loves cheerios, puffed wheat, crackers, bread, even pizza crust. As long as it is crunches he seems to like it, but anytime he eats our food, eg. pasta, cubes of meat, potatoes, cut up fruit, he chews it and then spits it out or just throws it on the floor. We are starting to get a little worried and we need some advice on how to get him to start eating our food.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry have no wise advice for you but a wise old doctor once told me that a baby will eat what food he requires if it is given to him. It may not be exactly when you want him to eat. If all else fails add molasses.

3:55 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make a game of stealing food from his plate and let him steal some from yours. Play the cheerio game with other foods. He will not starve himself and remember that Mary at his age was only allowed Rice pablum, 7-up, boiled chicken and squash.

6:52 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony said...

Oh, he will happily steal from our plates. However, he does it very, *very* cautiously. Hesitantly, even. And not because he doesn't think he should be doing it, but rather because he doesn't think he'll like what he's going to put in his mouth! He'll steal bread cautiously, and then devour it. The tuna, however, he stole and spat it back pretty quickly. (I was having a tuna sandwich). Sure, you say, that's tuna. Well, the same seems to go for any non-cereal based food.

He was happily eating apple chunks yesterday. Well, he was happily *chewing* them. He stored up a whole mouthful and then spat them out when he couldn't get any more in. 5 minutes later he was still getting apple pieces out.

11:59 a.m.  

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