Left Coast Floyds

Updates for the grandparents, family, and friends. Or, an attempt to make 6000 km seem like only 500 km.

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 15, 2006

So long, Blogger

We're done! No more. Left Coast Floyds will no longer update at this address.

Instead, we've moved to a new site, with a new address. Change your bookmarks and blog-readers to www.leftcoastfloyds.net.

Check it out, it's almost complete -- but have some patience while we sand off the rough edges.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Love Thursday from Nova Scotia

Every Thursday, Karen hosts a Love Thursday post. It's sappy, but after seeing this photo, I knew it was destined for Love Thursday.

Here's a shot of Aidan and Grampa John, mutually enjoying their vacation in the way that all vacations should be enjoyed.


On vacation, flood of posts to come

Sorry for the paucity of posting. We're on vacation. Blogger has swallowed two whole posts so far, and I'm more than a little annoyed about it. We're switching over to a hosted WordPress blog in the near future (watch this space) so that we can get away from these Blogger irritations.
