Weekend Update
So guess I will start with Thursday. Andromeda was home and she didn't seem any the worse for wear. She was quite hungry and seemed to think that being away gave her the right to do whatever she wanted because she "came home." So, I chased her off the table several times and gave in and gave her some more sandwich meat. Aidan and Dianthe were happy to see her and I think that she was glad to see them. In fact Andromeda let Dianthe cuddle with her on the couch.

Aidan and I went at a much faster pace to take down all the posters we had put up around the neighbourhood . It was interesting to get so many people asking us if we had found our cat and asking how she was. Vancouver is pretty friendly I guess, but not many people spontaneously talk to you on the street. I almost felt like I was back in NS.
On Friday Aidan and I went to pay my loans but I realized that with the week before having the stroller go the way of garbage I didn't have the slip with me. I am getting the new stroller back to being my purse but it will take a bit to make sure I have all that I had in the evenflo. It was still hot so we weren't too unhappy to get back home. Tammy came over a little later and we put the microchip in the cats. Andromeda now has two as Tammy was not used to this brand and didn't think the first one went in. Andromeda was really good and she didn't even hiss. She did however give me the dirtiest look I have seen in a long time. She seemed to say "if I knew you would do this to me I wouldn't have come home." Dianthe was a different story. She moved and tried to bite me. Unfortunately she also took the needle out with out putting the chip in and dulled the needle. The next try we wrapped her up and it must have hurt a bit. We felt bad but it was necessary. Now both the cats are microchipped and we don't have as much worry if they get out.
Saturday, Canada Day, we took it easy and had a relaxing morning and Aidan had a good nap before we went down to Granville Island for some Canada Day Celebrations. You can tell from the pictures that Aidan had a good time. It was also Jazz Festival time so we got to hear some Jazz and let Aidan dance in the sun.

On Sunday we also took the morning easy and made plans to go to Boundary Bay in Tsawassen to play o the beach and have a BBQ. (Oh and Anthony washed and cleaned the car because it really needed it. Oh and we needed to get some stuff from the grocery store and I bought a pair of sandals. Hmm, maybe not so easy.) We got going after Aidan's nap which ended a little early. So at three o'clock we left and made it almost to King Edward when Anthony y realized that if we were going to have a BBQ at the beach that we should probably bring the BBQ. So we turned around and didn't realize that this was only the beginning of our woes with the BBQ. After stowing the BBQ and two half used propane canisters in the trunk we were off again and this time we didn't turn around.
It was about 4 o'clock when we reached the beach and started to get all the junk we need and headed to from the parking lot to the beach itself. Now this being the Sunday of a long hot weekend the beach was very crowded but we managed to finds a spot and set Aidan down in the sand. Poor little guy, we didn't realize how hot the sand was, but he was quickly moved and the only screams came when I was trying to change him in to the swim diaper and his sun suit. (He wanted to be in the sand with the stick he had already managed to get.)
Then we moved down to the water. The tide was out and the lovely (albeit somewhat full of plant life) tide pools were very warm and shallow. Aidan had the time of his life. It combined tow of his favourite things, sand , mud and warm water. It was like a bath in dirt. How cool is that?? We must have been in the water for more than an hour, and it was hard to get the boy to come out. He wanted to stay in the water as long as he could.
When we did finally get back to the tent (thanks mom!) Aidan quite happily played in the sand. Anthony started the BBQ and that is when I remembered what I forgot. Hmm, do you think it is a good idea to flip burgers with a fork? Unfortunately that wasn't the only problem. The propane canister that we were using wasn't flowing properly so the burger were only slowly melting. Of course that was when Aidan chose to melt-down and had a transformation into Tantrum Boy. Anthony went back to the car to get the other propane canister and that one did work well only to have two of the burgers make a dive fore the sand. Lets just say that after a few bites of the very crunchy burgers Anthony and I packed everything up and we headed home. A bath and a change into PJ's later Aidan was having a bottle and being put to bed where he then went straight to sleep. (Well he should have anyway as it was 9 o'clock.)
By Monday all Anthony or I wanted to do was take it really easy and just clean up a bit. So that is all we did.
What will this week bring? Not too much I hope, but maybe some swimming and trips to the water park. Well we will see.
Gwen, over and out.
Whew. For some reason, after reading this, I'm tired all over again.
You had a really busy weekend! Aidan, Mom & Dad seemed to enjoy it even if there were a few glitches. Now it is off to bed for Grandma, super tired after reading this.
Lots of Love to everyone
For some reason, it doesn't suprise me that you folks still can't keep the food out of the sand while you're at the beach!
Mike, I am just glad we didn't have hot dogs, I can jut imagine the reoccurance of the "shaking off his wiener" at the beach comments. :)
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