Back to normal
Alright then. Sorry for keeping you all hanging (both of you).
So, the ER on the 21st. After that, we had a few days of masks and antibiotics. His fever went away eventually, and he started sounding better.
Gwen and I continued to be miserable.
By Saturday (his birthday), he was doing pretty well, except ... when we changed his diaper Saturday morning, he had a rash. On his trunk, in front and in back. And quite a bit in back. Enough that we were concerned that they might be an allergic reaction to the antibiotics (which *did* have an awful effect on his ... output ...). So, we hoofed it down to the walk-in clinic, and saw a kindly doctor there. He took a look at the rash and told us that it was probably the tail-end of the virus and not to worry too much, unless his fever came back up, and/or the rash got puffier and itchy. Back home to prepare for the "birthday party", which had been scaled back considerably due to the illnesses.
We had a number of "virtual" visits with the grandparents, and some cake later in the day. We took quite a bit of video on Saturday, mostly with the video camera, and some with the web cam. In juggling the video camera, the web camera and trying to be involved in everything, I ... uh ... didn't get many actual photographs. We might resort to pulling some captures from the DV. Anyway, here's one I did get:

He sort-of liked the cake. He was pretty tired by cake time, so his appreciation was somewhat muted. :>)
Thank you all for the presents! He's enjoying playing with all the toys (quiet and not so quiet) and we've worn some of the clothes that fit him now and put the others away until he grows a bit more.
On the seventh day we rested.
In the intervening week, we've all been recouperating. By now, we're all feeling much better. Aidan had another doctor's visit on Wednesday, a check-up with our family doctor, who was brought up to speed with the ER visit and drop-in clinic visit. Dr. Izen told us to continue with the antibiotics (which ended Friday night) and that we could taper off the ventolin on the weekend, but to keep up with the pulmacort. Still keeping score? He has *another* doctor's appointment in the week to come, this one his scheduled Year One visit where he'll get his shots, etc. Hopefully he'll get a clean bill of health too.
So, I've missed the cherry blossoms blooming and some other good photo ops in the past few weeks. I toyed with the idea of taking pictures of The Boy while he was sick, but that seemed a little cruel, and frankly, required more energy than I had.
But, the weather's turning, Grandma Kathy and Grampa John are coming out to visit in two weeks, and we're all healthy again, so the cute quota will be met (hopefully) in the weeks to come.
I might a few more short video clips posted in the next few days. Any feedback on the video? It's pretty boring I realize (no music, shaky camera, etc) but at the moment we really don't have a lot of time to make things pretty. I can throw it quite easily to DVD if anyone wants a higher-quality version.
Keep the pics and videos coming!!!! Can't get enough.
Love Grandma Kathy
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