Left Coast Floyds

Updates for the grandparents, family, and friends. Or, an attempt to make 6000 km seem like only 500 km.

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Monday, April 03, 2006

Dr. Visit update

Today Aidan was finally healthy enough to get his 1 year check-up and shots. Of course there was a mix up at the doctor's office and the appointment I had made two weeks earlier to get his check-up was mistakenly cancelled. I think that the mix up must have been that the appointment I got for him on the 29th of March cancelled the one in April, though he still needed to be check from the illness and get his full 1 year check. This meant that they did fit me in, but we had to wait another 20-30 minutes. Aidan crawled all around the office, played with the bead and wire contraption, tried to eat some books and tried to get some of the open files off a shelf.

When we got into the appointment Aidan was pretty tired since he has been taking a nap mid morning for about two to three hours. He was very good though and we were able to measure him (74 cm, that is 4 cm more than last check-up, 25th percentile), weigh him, on the big scale this time, (a little less than 22 pounds, 50th percentile) and check his lungs (no wiggling on the table).

After weighing him Dr. Izen went to get the needles for his vaccinations (measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus and chicken pox) and I got Aidan ready to get stabbed in the legs. Dr. Izen is really good and fairly quick so Aidan didn't mind too much, but he did cry a little bit. He stopped immediately though when Mommy got her blood-pressure taken. Aidan was very interested to see what the doctor was doing to Mommy.

Aidan had a bottle and a nap when we got home and the vaccinations only affected him a little. I did give him a dose of Ibprophen this afternoon as he got some very red cheeks, but his legs don't seem to be sore. He is now in bed after falling asleep on Daddy's lap.


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