Month in Review: Grandma Kathy and Grandpa John's Visit
Anthony's parents were scheduled to arrive on the 12th of April in the late afternoon. It was a cloudy day and apparently they couldn't see the mountains when they were flying over the city. As we were waiting for their plane to come in we let Aidan crawl around the arrivals are a little bit. He went right for the three children that were also waiting for their grandparents to get in. The were 4, 2 and 1. Aidan's toy was a big hit with the two boys. We waited about 15 minutes and then the grandparents arrived. Aidan was a little shy but didn't cry. We got the luggage (it all arrived) and all got settled in the car. It was a little squishy but not too bad.
We dropped John and Kathy at their hotel and went back home to wait for them to come over for some supper. After supper Aidan was a little hard to get to sleep since his routine had been changed and new people were around. The next day Anthony went to work and the rest of us went out for breakfast since the power was off at our place. We have no idea why but it was off for at least three hours. After breakfast we went downtown for some music and shopping. Unfortunately the pacific center mall was under reconstruction and the trip was cut short. It was also really raining so I don't think anyone was really upset that the trip was cut short. This was also Anthony's birthday so we got a cake for after dinner and waited for him to come home. We had a nice dinner and again Aidan was a little hard to get to sleep.
On good Friday Anthony and John went to take advantage of the break in

Saturday was our lazy day. Anthony and John played some video games, and later on we all watched a movie. Aidan took a real nap for the first time since the grandparents came and it was a very nice day. Unfortunately we had to change our plans for Easter Sunday because Colin was still sick and Maureen was coming down with it too. We went to church and Aidan was very well behaved for the long service. When we came home I put the turkey in and we had another fairly uneventful day. I think everybody liked the turkey and Aidan ate well.
On Monday we had the first sunshine of the week and we went to shopping and to the bird sanctuary. At the end it was a bit much for Kathy, but I think that she enjoyed the scenery. Anthony and John tried to get some nice pictures of the red-winged black birds that were flying around everywhere.

On Tuesday, the last day of their trip Aidan had his music class and we all went together. I think that Grandma and grandpa had a good time and it seemed to very quickly. I will try to put up the pictures later. I can't deal with the raw pictures in picassa and Anthony hasn't had time yet.
It was a lovely visit and we can't wait until next time.
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